Funerals and Memorials
We can provide help and comfort in your time of loss
Heritage United Church can provide help and comfort in your time of loss, even if you are not part of the Heritage congregation, by supporting you and your family as you grieve, and by assisting with arrangements that involve the Church and its facilities.
Rev. Lorrie Daly-Price can help you plan a memorial service or funeral that best reflects your wishes, honours the life of your family member or friend, and acknowledges your loss. She can help you choose scripture readings, music and prayers, discuss the eulogy or words of remembrance and help your family and friends determine all aspects of the service.
Services are held in the Sanctuary at Heritage United. It has the capacity to seat approximately 90 people. Please feel free to contact us or inquire below for further information.
Our Services
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We'd love to hear from you. Drop us a line and yet us know how we can serve you.
7046 11th Concession Road, Markham, ON L6B 1A8 heritageunitedchurch@gmail.com | Tel: 905.294.0312