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Your generosity is making a difference.
When we give our offerings to the work here at Heritage, we are enabling the ministries to continue and to grow.
Please give as you can.

By online electronic transfer from your bank to Heritage United. Simply log in to your bank account online and select "email money" or "etransfer." Follow the simple step-by-step prompts to direct your gift, of whatever amount you choose, to This is deposited directly into our church bank account.
Internet Email Transfer

By issuing a cheque to Heritage United Church. A team of trusted volunteers is in place to pick up your cheque from your home (with physical distancing). It can also be dropped off at Carol D.'s home. Contact the office at (905)294-0312 or to make arrangements.

Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)
By Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR). Contact the office at (905) 294-0312 to make arrangements.
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